I know it's already February but happy 2011 anyhow!
I'm back and thank dog for that! My lazy mummy found some video footages of me and is finally bothered enough to post them on my blog.
For those who found out that I've been having the runs and poor appetite via Facebook, thanks for your concerns! I'm happy to say that I'm well and happy now. No more wet and runny poops, except for the occasional fatal farts that drives my pawrents nuts. I'm on a new diet now - EVO kibbles and I think the prebiotics and probiotics in it are helping my system run a little better. Mummy's a happier woman now too cos she'd smiled and say "good boy!" whenever I poo - this mean she likes what she saw - solid poop!
Ok, enough about the gross stuff! Let me share with you what my baby sister is up to these days. I AM HER NEW FAVOURITE TOY NOW. It started when my aunt let little Miss Grubby Hands hold the leash when she was walking Coco, the Shih Tzu who is one-quarter of my size. My baby sister loved it and think that she is very smart since she can walk a dog. It doesn't help that she has a toy cat on a leash at home and she has been walking and dragging the poor stuffed animal everywhere in the house. So now she thinks she can qualify as a dog walker! Everyday, whenever my baby sister sees my leash, she will insist on leashing me and bringing me on a walk at home! If my pawrents refused to help her to leash me, she'd scream the house down. If I refused to move an inch, she'd scream till the roof collapses. Help!

Are you ready for your walk, Chow Chow?

Maybe if I lie low and scratch myself, she will forget about walking me?

She is insisting on walking me.

Alright, alright, I am coming...

I'm tired, can I have a rest please?

Sure, we can rest together. Just 2 seconds ok?