Towards the end of last week, I caused my pawrents quite a bit of a heart attack! I don't really wanna blog about this but my Mummy insists I let the whole world know what I did so that other doggies will not learn from me and that their pawrents can also try to prevent such things from happening to their furkids, should it happen one day *touch wood!*.
On Friday evening, my pawrents were getting ready to go to Grandpa's house for dinner and as usual, they had to coax me to get into the car boot. The car boot is not exactly my favourite place in the world and as usual, I tried to wriggle my way out of it. I backed away while Daddy pulled the leash (and me) towards him. Just then, the leash which was tied round my neck ride up my head and with a couple of pulling and wriggling actions, the leash came loose and I was free!
I ran around the estate in full speed, missing cars that came in and out of the car park by seconds. Daddy told Mummy to stay put while he chased after me. Mummy was freaking out already but she tried her best to remain calm and stayed at the car, waiting for our return.
I ran and ran, and seeing Daddy hot on my heels, I ran even faster and soon, I reached the edge of a busy road. Cars and big trucks were zooming by, it was really exciting! I had to stop for a while as I suddenly had to urge to poop. I was happily doing my business at the side of the road when Daddy came up to me and quickly put the leash around me. I struggled again and managed to break free. Poor Daddy was not as agile as me and he fell and suffered some scratches on his fingers and palms. Luckily he missed my pile of freshly-pooped poo!
I dashed across the busy road and even turned back to look at Daddy. The vehicles must be really excited to see me too cos they were making lots of noise with their horns. Somehow, I managed to cross two busy roads and reached the other side of the neighbourhood. Some vehicles were close enough to sniff my butt but they all braked in time to avoid me. I wonder why.
Anyway, I arrived at one of my favourite part of the neighbourhood because there are many doggies living in the big houses here and I have plenty of peemail to check out. While replying to one of the peemail, Daddy suddenly sneaked up on me and grabbed my tail. Well, Daddy was pretty mad at me for making him run all the way here at this point, and for ignoring his commands to COME. He grabbed me real tightly and before I know it, I was leashed again. Oh well, end of my adventure for now.
My pawrents were really mad at me for running away (again) and ignored me the whole time we were at Grandpa's place. I gave them a pathetic and innocent look, but they just glared at me. So I kept my distance, especially from Daddy who were staring daggers at me when I peeped at him.
Erm, there's a second part to my "horror" story. After dinner at Grandpa's house, we were getting ready to go home when again I refused to get up into the car. Daddy bent over to carry me but I backed away and this time, my tail missed the rolling tyres of an oncoming car by millimetres! Actually, come to think of it, some strands of fur from my fluffy tail were CRUSHED by the tyres! But it's ok cos I have lots of fur to spare!
That's not the end of my story. On Saturday, we went to Granddad's house (FYI, Grandpa is Mummy's father and Granddad is Daddy's father) and before the car boot was opened, I saw a golden retriever taking a walk at the side of the road. I was really excited to see him and leaped off the car the moment the door was opened, forgetting to listen to my pawrents' command (they have to say OK before I can get off the car). In my eagerness to go and say hi to the golden retriever, I lept off the car too quickly and somehow sprained my front paw when I landed on the road. It hurts very much and I whined real loudly and for a long time too. The lady walking the golden was taken aback by my loud cries and quickly walk away. My painful paw didn't allow me to rush over to the golden. In fact, I sat down immediately and cry out in pain. My pawrents groaned again and gave me a huge lecture. Thank god, the pain went away soon enough and I stopped limping by the end of the night.