Lots of things happened ever since my last encounter with The Evil Cat. While I spent the most of my days just sleeping, eating and lazing around at home, waiting for my pawrents to return home after work everyday, I also witness the growth of my baby sister who has blossomed from a bawling infant to a drooling and tumbling toddler. She is all of one year old now and loves to follow me around the house and feed me her pacifier as a show of her affection to me.
In this video, you will see my baby sister at around 10 months old, crawling slowly and unsteadily towards her favourite object, the remote control while I kept watch over her. You will also noticed that I was much slimmer. Nope,it's not that my diet was a succes. It was because I had to be shaven in order to get rid of the horrible ticks! Yes, I suffered from ticks and it was a nightmarish 3 weeks for me and my pawrents. I'm so glad it's over now!
I believe I caught the ticks when I was playing in Granddad's garden. My pawrents went to Perth for a week and I was dogsitted by Granddad and Grandmum at their house. I missed my pawrents terribly and Coco refused to play with me. I didn't try to escape this time cos the grandpawrents are very smart and careful now when they opened the front gate. Mummy took a picture with a doggie who was lying at the doorstep while waiting for his owner to shop at the Salvos in Perth. I'm sure Mummy missed me as much as I missed her.