Dumbo Ng ~ 16 Feb 1999 - 20 Sep 2009
This is Dumbo, Mummy's ex-colleague's Golden Retriever. He was the dog that made Mummy fall in love with the Golden Retriever breed. After hearing funny stories about Dumbo and seeing his lovely face, Mummy has decided that the Golden Retriever is her favourite type of dog and she fantasizes about owning her own Golden Retriever one day. She was never a big fan of dogs before knowing Dumbo.
Dumbo had his many quirks. He loved listening to classical music and will only fall asleep when his owner tuned in to Symphony 92.4FM, our local classical music radio station. He slept next to the radio every night with the classical music playing on as his nightly companion.
He was a sweet-natured dog too. He was often bullied by his smaller fur brother, another breed which Mummy can't recall even though he is bigger in size. He always got his ears tugged by his brother and he didn't mind at all. He was named Dumbo cos he was like a silly dog with big floppy ears (when he was pup) that was so easygoing, and got bullied so easily.
Dumbo has just passed away. Mummy hasn't got the details but apparently, the poor dog was in the Intensive Care Unit before he passed away. We hope he wasn't in much pain. Run free at the Rainbow Bridge, Dumbo! You will always be loved and remembered!
Chow Chow.
Sorry to know about Dumbo. It is not easy when we loose a friend.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Rest in peace Dumbo . . . ><;
Hi Chow Chow,
Our sympathies to your mom and her friend. We wish him happy times at the rainbow bridge. It's quite hard to say goodbye...
Hope its alright with you that we follow your blog. Hope you can visit us soon.
-Fudgie, Princess, Scrappy, Bullet, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar
There is never a good time to lose someone you love. Dear Dumbo, we are sure, will be sorely missed. Goldens have a way of winding their magic through your soul.
Chow Chow,
I am so sorry about his Dumbo moving to Heaven. I was really sad when my big sister moved to heaven. Things will get better. It takes time.
sister loves golden's as well. she thinks they are so incredibly sweet and loving. We are sorry for your mom's friend passing away. May we get to meet at the bridge one day.
Hi Chow Chow, sorry to hear about Dumbo. May he run free at the rainbow bridge.
What a handsome boy Dumbo was! We're so sorry to hear of his passing, Chow Chow.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
don't be too sad... there is a saying... 'all good dogs go to heaven'... Dumbo must have been a good dog... never heard of a bad dog... only bad humans and they are evil!
Good bye Dumbo, rest in peace, sweety.
I wish I knew you before!
How's your mom, Chow Chow?
I held my breath while reading your escaped artist post, please don't do that again, you'll give everybody a heart attack!
By the way I'm back to blogging!
Oops, you have not noticed that I have been missing in action lately, have you?
I'm so excited to visit all of my friends again.
Love y'all!
That broke my heart. He was such a sweet boy. Bye, Dumbo. Love, Dino
Hi Chow Chow,
So sorry to hear about Dumbo.
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