Thursday, February 26, 2009

True Colour Thursday: Brown

I love brown because so many wonderful things are brown in colour...

I am a red Chow Chow but my coat is more brown than red. Everyone sees me as a brown Chow Chow.

I love trees...their brown branches, trunks and roots. Sniffing them is always fun, and I love to pee on them.

My friend Harry

My friend Ichigo...he is brown too isn't he?

Cookie, the red/brown Chow Chow

Our brown couch

Have you got a favourite item in brown?


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Great browns! You have some very nice brown friends. but of course, you are the best brown of all.
~lickies, Ludo

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! My favourite brown things are liver treats!!

Honey the Great Dane

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Neat browns but you by far are the best one.

Love, pats & pets

Mason Dixie said...

You have some great brown friends, thanks for sharing and thank you so much for my charm. I love it. =)

Duke said...

You have so many brown friends, Chow Chow, including yourself! Brown was an easy one for us, huh?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Chow Chow!
You are the best brown! Your friends seem so cool!


Snowball said...

I have lots of friends who are brown too.

Yup. I agree with Blue that you are by far the best brown among those listed on your post.


Isis said...

what lovely brown pictures!

duo_disaster said...

Oh Chow2, we love this colour too!

1. Rudolf is brown
2. Goofy ears are brown
3. Our poop is mostly brown (lol!)
4. M's cook always turns out to be brown (opps!)
5. You are our BROWN friend!


Anonymous said...

Hi Chow Chow -

Hope you're well! Just wondering if you received the email that my human sent you? Hsin-Yi is writing an article for her UK dog magazine and she would really love some help from your humans - about training Chow Chows!

Honey the Great Dane

Dino and Family said...

I just love your color days! Makes the day more beautiful! Have a grrreat weekend, Chow Chow! Love, Dino

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Chow Chow,
Hmmm... brown things... basically most of my fav. treats/ kibbles are in brown!!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Love your brown Chow Chow.
I have a lot of brown things but I haven't participated the true color game yet!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chow Chow -

Haven't heard from you in ages! Hope you're OK?

Honey the Great Dane

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Chow Chow, where are you?
Come out and play with me, miss you lots

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

HEY Chow!!!
where are you????
we miss you a lot!!!!
we're very worried about you!!!
Please back soon and give us news from you!!!!
hope you feel good and all is ok!!!
hope to hear from you asap!!!
kisses and licks!!!

Aki and Poopie said...

hey chow! how are you? we hope everything is well there... maybe your mum can blog sometime this summer? we miss you lots! hope to see you all furry and handsome again!

drooly kisses,


i said...

Hiya Chow Chow! Sure have missed you! That's a nice collection of brown you've got there!

Dino and Family said...

Hey Chow Chow! You have been missed! Hope all is well! Hugs, Dino

Thor and Jack said...

Hello Chow Chow! How are you??
I miss you buddy!


Anonymous said...

What a nice dog, I like them so much, I used to have one. They are cute, lovely but they are so naughty, so be careful if you have one. My dog once took my generic viagra pills and ate some of them, he started to moving and moving without being quiet.

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