Thursday, February 19, 2009

True Colours Thursday: Blue

True Colour Thursday this week is Blue. I missed last week's Silver cos Mummy was just too busy to help me blog about it. Anyway, I am very happy that I get to blog about my favourite colour blue!

My blue Mickey Mouse fleece blanket. Mummy got it for me to sleep on cos I don't have a bed and she hopes the blanket helps to keep me warm at night. But I usually chew on it instead.

My blue jersey. One of the two doggy shirts that my parents got for me in an attempt to cover my badly-shaven body.

Mummy's blue shorts

My blue leash.

My blue chew toy. Not my top favourite but it'll do when I'm tired of my stuffies.

That's all the blue I've got for now. And oh, does my blue tongue count?


Poopsie aka Blue said...

Glad to have you back!
Neat photo's.

pats & pets

Snowball said...

Yup. Your blue tongue is your best asset. Skye's mom was saying that she will post Lakota's blue eyes. How cool is that to have an body organ that is blue in colour?!


Duke said...

Yes, Chow Chow - your blue tongue counts! We don't have one of those to show! Great choices for blue!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

DoMoFi said...

Bluey! :)

Carolina said...

I love your blue tongue! All the other blue things are nice, but your tongue is just very special!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

I love your blue tongue too! No fair that i don't have one. You have a blue blanket like me.
~lickies, Ludo

Anonymous said...

Hi Chow Chow,

Thanks for your lovely message about Lemon and Hsin-Yi's father. It is lovely to have friends like you.

Congratulations on getting your Obedience certificate - that is a great achievement! I think your humans have done an amazing job - especially as they say Chow Chows are not easy to train!

Honey the Great Dane

Mason Dixie said...

Great job on the blue, I going to have to join in on this some day. =)

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Chow Chow,
We loved your blue selection (especially the blue tongue)!!
Psst, you going to the park tomorrow?

The Musketeers said...

Looking great in Blue Chow Chow ! :D

Pipa said...

Lovely photos, Chow!

You're getting bigger!



Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

wooowooo dear Chow!!!!
Great job with the blue!!!!
we love all your pictures but the best is......your wonderful blue tongue!!!!We love it!!!!!!!!!
and we ove your blanket too....hope it's take you warm at night!!!!
We love you so much!!!!!!!!
kisses and licks

Lorenza said...

Hi, Chow Chow!
You have very nice blue things!
Kisses and hugs

Thor and Jack said...

You have lots of cool blue things.
Your blue tongue is great! Beautiful pictures!


Dino and Family said...

You look great in blue, Chow Chow! Can you please email me ( your email address, I have a favor to ask.
Love, Dino

Aki and Poopie said...

how are you chowie?

missed you!

pee-ees.. did you get my paw it forward? or maybe i got the wrong addy and its working its way backwards? *chattering doggie teeth*

drooly kisses,


i said...

Nice collection of blue! Blue certainly suits you well, Chow Chow!

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said...

Blue tongue?? Wow, thats special. Blue is always nice but mom likes to get reddish stuff for me. *faint*

slurpy licks,

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