Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday Treats: Baked Liver Munchies

Mummy was in the mood to experiment with some dog treat recipes she thought of. And so she baked this yummy pork liver treats for me. It's really easy to make. The humans should try it some time.

Slice the liver thinly. Mix the sliced liver with three tablespoons of cornflour and an egg. Place the pieces of liver on a baking tray and bake away! Mummy set the oven to 250 for about 45 minutes.

My review? The smell of the liver wasn't as strong as when it was stir-fried or boiled or steamed. I was a bit apprehensive when Mummy showed me the ugly (let's be honest here!) munchies. When Mummy fed me with a piece, I licked at it gingerly and it tasted quite good surprisingly. I started to take a bigger bite and had the whole piece in my mouth and that's when I realised it's the usual delicious liver taste that I always love! The texture of the liver is a little chewy after the baking but I like it!


Aki and Poopie said...

wow. we love it chow chow.. mmmm.. you are one lucky dog to be eating baked treats like that. we hope our human would take up baking/cooking too so we can eat home-made treats like yours.

drooly kisses,


DoMoFi said...

Dodo at my back shouting:-

WE ONLY HAD COMMERCIAL TREATS!! (><;) Lucky Chow . . .

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Chow Chow,
How about this.. let's swop treats someday?!! Then we can try out different receipes.. Our mom will be on leave this coming Fri and Monday, so hopefully she'd make something nice!

Anonymous said...

Oh YUM! I shall tell my Mother about this. Maybe she'll feel inspired and bake some treats too! She's afraid the smell of liver will stink the house tho! (And I'M the one who's supposed to have the better nose)

i said...

You are so lucky Chow Chow! Those look really yummy!

I have an award for you :-)

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Hello Chow Chow!

Oh you are such a cutie! Those liver treats looks too good! Yum Yum!

Cocoa and Barley

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hi Chow Chow!

I'm Scottie...nice to meet you! I found your blog through Huskee & Hershey's blog...*wink* Those liver treats sure look yummy! My Mom doesn't know how to cook that well...Will check back later!


The Musketeers said...

mmmmm~ It look yummy !!

Duke said...

OMG, we are drooling! Those liver treats look so yummy!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

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