Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fifth File Meme

I've been tagged by Aki to do the fifth file meme and I found this:

Most of you have found pictures of yourselves when you were a puppy but for me I found a picture of my Mummy when she was a kid. It's a picture taken in 1982, during Mummy's 4th birthday party. Can you guess which little girl is Mummy? She is the silly-looking one in the polka-dot dress! Time really flies! The kids in the pictures are Mummy's cousins and they are all married and have kids of their own, except for Mummy. She is feeling the pressure now, especially during Chinese New Year gatherings!

Anyway, my Mummy is finally going back to work. In fact, she is going back to the big bad world of advertising and is starting work tomorrow!

I hope I won't feel too lonely in the house all by myself.

It's now time to pass on this tag to five more bloggers so here are the rules:

Open a document or file folder, click on the fifth folder and then the fifth photo. Post the photo and describe it. Then tag 5 other bloggers.

I'd like to pass this tag to:

1. Romeo Sangiovese
2. Pipa
3. Princess Isis
4. Mango the Maltese Kiddo
5. Thor

Show me your pictures! Have fun!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Ah, I'm tagged!
My mom guessed your mummy is the girl in the yellow dress, why? She thought your mummy was standing on a chair to be seen clearly, after all, she was the birthday girl that day, it was her day!
Anyway, my mom rarely guessing anything correctly, she has no common sense at all.
Your mom was a lovely girl and she still is. Muahhh!

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

your mum was a lovely girl!!!!
thanks for sharing with us!!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Chow Chow!
Thanks for sharing that picture of your mom when she was a beautiful little girl!
Kisses and hugs

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Chow Chow!
What a lovely family´s picture! Your mom was a cute girl!
Thanks for tagging me =)
Have a nice Sunday, buddy!


Mason Dixie said...

Ah your mom is only 2 years older than my mom and she does not feel any pressure for marriage or children. Lots of time for that still. =)

Dandy Duke said...

awwwwwwwww, we think your mommy is adorable at 4 years old and she shouldn't feel pressured to get married! It'll happen when the time is right!
We hope your mom has a great day at work!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Your mum's reeeal purrrty! Hope your mum's first day went well and that you're not too lonely at home! Do what I do - SLEEP!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Your mommy is a cutie!! (Does your mommy happen to like polka dots? I noticed she was wearing a pretty polka dotted dress in your previous post).

i said...

Your mommy looked so cute there!

duo_disaster said...

Phew! Thank GOD we weren't tag cause you might see something nekkid! Lol~

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